Monday, September 8, 2008

Note: Sarah Palin Is An Idiot

"They made us line up in bathing suits and turn our backs so the male judges could look at our butts. I couldn't believe it!"
Sarah Palin, to Vogue as reported by Newsweek.

I was speechless at such an admission. Even I, in my never having watched a beauty pageant ways, knew that beauty pageants consisted of several parts and that a bathing suit competition was one of those parts. I shudder at the fact that someone would enter a beauty contest and not recognize that they would be (a) judged on their physical appearance, and (b) objectified in the suit the pageant mandated they bring. The whole point of a beauty pageant, from the whole judging perspective, is to examine the physical beauty of the contestants! I suppose the contestants may enter for some other reason - I hear a lot of them offer scholarship options - but on the whole, no one enters a beauty contest without being ready for the objectification. The sole reason why one would enter a beauty pageant - even for the scholarship money - is because they think they are beautiful enough and fit enough and fit the paradigm of beauty well enough to win!


John said...

It's like Casablanca. Sarah was shocked, SHOCKED! to find out that they were going to be judging based on physical beauty.

petpluto said...

Oh my god, John, that never even occurred to me! Excellent, excellent point.

habladora said...

Yeah, I'm sure she'd never seen a beauty pageant before.

I really need to see Casablanca someday, huh?

petpluto said...

I would! I love Casablanca. But I was also raised with (and on) it, so that may color my perception a bit...