Saturday, February 28, 2009

"Do You Wanna Go Count Our Gold?"

This, in my humble opinion, may be the funniest Sarah Haskins video, ever. Even better than the one about vampires - or yogurt!

I gasped too when they cut to Angelina Jolie during Jennifer Aniston's presentation, but it wasn't for the "OHMYGOD" emotional fireworks of it so much as it was that I just thought it was (a) completely unnecessary and (b) diminished these two accomplished and, I suspect, three-dimensional women - one presenting an Oscar and one who had already won an Oscar and was nominated for another - to one lone characteristic, that being two women in a perpetual Cold War over a guy. And yes, that guy is Brad Pitt, but really now. It has been I don't know how many years, but at least a couple; I would think the story over these two would die down. But then, I guess I'm ignoring the impulse to think of women in relation to men, and both Jolie and Aniston seem to always be connected due to their relationship with one man in particular.

I find this particularly odd because nothing ever extremely exciting has ever truly gone down. I mean, if Jennifer Aniston went insane one day early on and tried to take out Angelina Jolie, I could see everyone waiting with bated breath for the continued bloodbath. But aside from the somewhat sensationalist way Jolie's relationship with Brad began, there is seemingly no "there" there. Of course, maybe I'm ignoring the main component of this whole thing, that being that this particular strain of media really and truly can't imagine 3 adults actually not having Jerry Springeresque moments when they are *gasp* in the same room. After all, these are people who have regularly seen celebrities assault paparazzi with fists and canned food. Maybe the reason why there is still so much blasted attention on this whole nonissue is the fact that Aniston never went after Pitt or Jolie with a steak knife, and Jolie never drop kicked Aniston into a wall. Perhaps what the Access Hollywoods and the Entertainment Tonights are waiting for is a release from what they see as an unbearable tension. The fact that Aniston and Jolie may actually not really give that much of a damn about it all anymore, or at the very least actually having other aspects of their lives that are more important, doesn't even seem to cross any of these people's minds. Which is why it is important that we have people like Sarah Haskins to highlight the truly ridiculousness of it all.


Daisy Deadhead said...

The most amazing was W magazine last year--they had alternate covers of the same issue, you could buy the Aniston cover or the Jolie cover.

At my workplace, Aniston was ahead.

But it's quite telling, how the media tries to create a rivalry where there isn't necessarily one there! I mean, the camera-cutting-away to Angelina and the magazine covers weren't their idea!

petpluto said...

"The most amazing was W magazine last year--they had alternate covers of the same issue, you could buy the Aniston cover or the Jolie cover."

Really? Wow. I, in my completely oblivious way, missed that completely.

"I mean, the camera-cutting-away to Angelina and the magazine covers weren't their idea!"

Exactly! And if I were them, I'd be more pissed at the people trying to make this whole huge rivalry than each other at this point. I'm sure they'd both just like to move on.

John said...

Wow. Just when I thought I couldn't care less about celebrity gossip, my apathy hits new depths. Does apathy even have depth?