Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Jeans, and Consent

When I was around the age of twelve, I read a quote from some judge in some rape case somewhere that basically amounted to "girls can't get raped if they're wearing jeans, because you need help to get someone's jeans off". I, for my part, was thrilled. Jeans were already an essential part of any outfit, and to learn that they were practically a sure-fire way to not be raped, ever, was just awesome. I should also mention that 12 was the age I was when I was first cat-called, so the possibility of sexual violence being done to my person was probably more present than it would have otherwise been. I excitedly told my mother the news: Jeans Prevent Rape!!

And she scoffed at me.

I was a bit confused, and she never truly explained the nature of her scoffing. Presumably, because she thought I'd figured it out in that moment. Because, well, how stupid would I have to be to think that JEANS prevented someone from being raped?

Apparently, as stupid as a judge in Australia.

I've since become aware that jeans do not stop rape. That the idea that jeans could stop rape was referenced in my Newsweek because it was just that crazy everyone reading the quote would recognize the complete lack of validity without explanation. Everyone except twelve-year old me, that is. Because twelve-year old me was still trying to figure out the magic equation that would prevent anyone from touching me in a way I didn't want, ever. It saddens me that the rest of the world hasn't caught up; that Newsweek was wrong. That the idea doesn't seem as ludicrous to a whole host of people as it should.


MediaMaven said...

Hahaha, I love this story.

I think the fact that the story was reported in the Daily News--and the way it was written--shows that the reader is supposed to think it's stupid and silly, an oddball of a case.

petpluto said...

Hahaha, I love this story.

Just to be clear - my story of my 12 year old self's ineptitude, or the news story?

Also, important fact: mac short cuts DO NOT WORK on PCS.

I think the fact that the story was reported in the Daily News--and the way it was written--shows that the reader is supposed to think it's stupid and silly, an oddball of a case.

I would take comfort in that, if this wasn't a "get out of jail free" card for some guys in front of some judges. Or, if it didn't keep happening! It was half my lifetime ago that I was under the impression jeans stopped rape - and yet these defenses are still working!