Anyway, I think we've established, through my semi-frequent posting about how much you and your suits rock, that I am a fan. I enjoy the sports talk! I enjoy your random freak outs! I follow you on twitter! Your pictures from various baseball stadiums are cool! I even read your blog!
So. The thing that I don't expect? Really ever? Is to be hit by some weird hardy-hars about sexual harassment on my way into work. From you. Because, dude, you are a progressive. And I know, I know. Progressive≠feminist. Progressive≠good on gender issues. Progressives can sometimes be sexist dipshits. Progressives can sometimes not be sexist dipshits, but still say some really sexist dipshitty type stuff. You, yourself, have said some sexist dipshitty type stuff in the past.
I should probably let you in on what has brought on my ire, shouldn't I?
It's this:
KEITH OLBERMANN: Billo replied, "Yeah, I thought that they - basically, in the very beginning - should stuff every member of NBC News in that hole".Maybe we should listen, Bill, because based on the Andrea Mackris lawsuit, I gather that you were the expert on unsuccessful attempts to stuff things into holes.
Whoa. That is a lot of misogyny in a very teeny tiny space!
First, there's the problem of exactly how the alleged sexual assault is framed here, ie: referring to a woman's vagina as a "hole". Problematic, for that whole "dehumanizing" aspect. Also, for separating the vagina from the woman, and vice versa.
But let's move right on the the part wherein Bill O'Reilly is subject to your derision not because he allegedly repeatedly sexually harassed a member of his staff, but because he didn't succeed in having sex with her.
Seriously, no.
Let me spell this out for you: the problem is that O'Reilly allegedly repeatedly made sexual comments to someone who worked for him. O'Reilly should be derided and looked at as less of a human being because he did that. Not because he failed in his ultimate goal to loofah Mackris up.
You are mocking him as being less of a man because he didn't seal the deal. He isn't less of a man because of that. He is less of a worthwhile human being because he sexually harassed someone.
And for that, Keith Olbermann, you are Today's Worst Person.... IN THE WORLD!
Basing my analysis solely on the text included in your entry (which admittedly lacks things like vocal tone,) it seems to me like he should've been putting finger quotes around "unsuccessful attempts to stuff things into holes." That would imply that the language he chose is supposed to represent O'Reilly's view of the incident rather than his own.
Also, I'm willing to bet this came from one of the members of his writing staff who is less dedicated to professionalism, because it smacks of overeager snarky copy-writing (the same trend that brought us the parade of "man" prefixes like "manorexia" and "mancession.") I'm a little surprised they didn't just go whole hog and say "I stuffed my member in your mom's hole last night, Bill! OH SNAPZ!"
P.S.: I think that's the first time I've ever made a "your mom" joke on your blog. Truly it is an auspicious day.
P.S.: I think that's the first time I've ever made a "your mom" joke on your blog. Truly it is an auspicious day.
*Nods* Truly. I will mark it on the calender, and we will celebrate it every year.
Also, I'm willing to bet this came from one of the members of his writing staff who is less dedicated to professionalism, because it smacks of overeager snarky copy-writing
Honestly, I'm up in the air regarding this, because the response was juvenile and Olbermann can be juvenile. Not that it would make it better if one of the writing staff wrote it, because he still chose to say it.
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