Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Song Currently Playing Loop-De-Loop In My Head

So, for the Christmas before last, my mother got me a record converter. It seemed like a present more for herself than me; but since I do have a sizable record collection for someone whose buying power didn't come about until a while after the record was the convenient and popular way to store music, it wasn't a complete bowling ball moment.

Skip to this year. We've been slowly, stintingly, sputtering along with the record conversion process. Mostly, because it takes a lot of time and you see little results. So, this last time around, we broke out the 45s to convert between full length records. And that's when my mom broke out this song:

James, James hold the ladder steady
James, James I'm packed tonight I'm ready
James, James hold the ladder steady
I'm a'comin' down to your ar-ar-ar-rms
I'm a'comin' down to your arms.
Now James and I we went to mama and showed her my diamond ring
She said "my poor little baby, you must be crazy, to think of such a
So James, James hold the ladder steady
James, James I'm packed tonight I'm ready
James, James hold the ladder steady
I'm a'comin' down to your ar-ar-ar-rms
I'm a'comin' down to your arms.
Now James and I we went to daddy and said that we want to be wed
Daddy said "nope, you'll just have to elope" and laughed as he went to
But James, James hold the ladder steady
James, James I'm packed tonight I'm ready
James, James hold the ladder steady
I'm a'comin' down to your ar-ar-ar-rms
I'm a'comin' down to your arms.
I'd hate to see 'em in the morning when they both completely flip
He'll be sayin' "they cain't", she'll be feeling faint
And I'll be kissing my husband's lips
So James, James hold the ladder steady
James, James I'm packed tonight I'm ready
James, James hold the ladder steady
I'm a'comin' down to your ar-ar-ar-rms
I'm a'comin' down to your arms.
James, James hold the ladder steady
James, James I'm packed tonight I'm ready
James, James hold the ladder steady
It has been going around and around in my head for, literally, the last day and a half.

Lesson learned: Never let my mother pick out the 45s to play.

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