Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I Love Neil Gaiman

I promise I'll post something more substantial in the coming days; I mean, I still haven't reviewed the latest Dollhouse episode, even though it is an episode that totally blew my mind and made me rework (mentally) the grading of the other episodes to date. But I'm lazy, and instead of rewatching (again) and thinking, I curled up with Stephen Colbert and Neil Gaiman. And Jon Stewart and Bruce Springsteen, but I care more about Neil Gaiman (a lot more). So I'd suggest watching this interview, because Gaiman totally rocks my socks:
The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Neil Gaiman
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorNASA Name Contest

Seeing this makes me kind of want to reread Neverwhere. Or maybe just watch the BBC production again...

P.S. My mother wants to know why I love such large men. She's a bit concerned that I love Neil Gaiman, Douglas Adams, and Jeff Goldblum.


John said...

Next time I see you, I'll lend you my volumes of Sandman. It's Neil Gaiman at his Neil Gaiman-iest.

I think your mother should stop worrying about your interest in tall men and start worrying about your interest in men who are in some cases more than twice your age.

petpluto said...

"I think your mother should stop worrying about your interest in tall men and start worrying about your interest in men who are in some cases more than twice your age."

But John, where am I going to find a sugar daddy who isn't?